About ITEG
ITEG IT-Engineers GmbH offers custom software solutions, specialized hosting, and IT-consulting by experts in the field.
We focus on providing specialized software solutions for technical problems, especially for infrastructure providers. Amongst others, operators of hydro-electric power plants use our applications to create reports from complex data-sets.
Our strategy is based heavily on Open Source. Both in the software we use and the software we write, we are committed to the Open Source philosophy. Where possible, we develop our software from Open Source modules, which we publish on the clazzes.org platform. We believe that this approach makes our software more stable and long-lived, as we cooperate on modules with partners and customers alike. The multitude of users and uses for our modules makes them better tested, and thus resilient to bugs.
When it comes to hosting, we provide high availability for specialized applications and complex websites for the local market. We use our deep understanding of client-server architecture and software deployment to consult our customers and optimize web applications if needed. As with our software, we strive to deliver durable and stable applications, tailored to your needs.
Certifications and Memberships
Both CEOs are certified as IS managers ac. ISO/IEC 17024.
In alphabetical order ITEG is member of:
- ATCOLD (Austrian National Committee On Large Dams)
- ISPA (Internet Service Providers Austria)
- ÖWAV (Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband)
- WKO (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)
For more see Contact & Legal Notice
(in alphabetical order)

Dr. Wolfgang Glas
Wolfgang Glas studied Mathematics at the Universities of Innsbruck and Graz; his area of expertise is the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. He completed his Ph.D. at the Institute for Hydraulic Fluid Machinery of the technical university of Graz with a thesis titled “Optimierung gepfeilter Pumpenschaufeln mit evolutionären Algorithmen” (Optimization of Swept Pump Impellers with Evolutionary Algorithms).
In the course of his career Wolfgang put his mathematical skills to use for solving a variety of technical problems in fields ranging from fluid dynamics to mechanics and fatigue analysis of materials.
Wolfgang has over 20 years of experience in developing modular and scalable software systems. He also has a large practical knowledge on software security measures, and implemented various means of authentication and data security mechanisms for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC).
Wolfgang is the author of a large number of open source software libraries which solve problems in the fields of HPGL-Rendering, Smart Cards, Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and OSGi-Integration, to name a few.
Since March 2018 he is certified as IS-Manager according to ISO/IEC 17024 .

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Lechleitner
In 1998 Christoph Lechleitner finished his master study of computer science at the JKU (Johannes Kepler University) in Linz.
Concurrently he began to work as a systems engineer for one of the largest regional banks in Austria (Raiffeissen Rechenzenturm Tirol).
In 1999 he went back to the univerity as part of a research team developing a WAP application framework.
1997 Christoph started a successful business as internet service provider and software developer, giving him almost two decades of experience in the operation of internet servers and the development and maintenance of internet services.
Since 2002 he is involved in the implementation of the software stack used in the mobile enforcement units of Germany’s electronic truck tolling system.
Christoph also is the author of several open source programs and a contributor to other well known open source projects (squid, Debian kernel).
In 2010 Christoph got LPIC-1 certified (LPI-ID LPI000198919, verification code mz89j5tylx). He also is a long-term member of OCG.
In May of 2019 Mr. Lechleitner was certified as Information Security Manager (CIS ISMS Certificate (in German) ).